Blender Tutorial Notes

View: Numpad 1 / 3 / 7, or ctrl + Numpad 1 / 3 / 7

E to extrude

alt + E face normal

I to insert

double lick I

B while doing insert (if B does not work, press I again to disable individual faces) (e.g. car window)




O proportional editing (when modeling the tree)

ctrl + B Bevel

alt + S shrink / flatten

shift + right click place 3D curser

shift + S > Cursor to selected

shift + C re-center 3D curser

L select linked (in edit mode)

shift + L to deselect linked

Selection Method


Loop select: alt + click on edge (in face selection mode)

circle select: C

deselect: middle mouse

ring select: alt + ctrl (in edge select mode)

Loop select: alt + click on edge (in edge selection mode)

select shortest path: ctrl (in edge select mode)

box select: B (in vertex select mode)

alt + Z enable/disable X-ray (to select the back vertices)

Lasso select (套索): ctrl + right mouse button

Grow selection (select all faces neighboring to the selected face): ctrl + Numpad plus +

Shrink selection (opposite to grow selection): ctrl + -

select random

select similar: shift + G

checker deselect (间隔选中效果,像足球那样): F

H hide selected objects

alt + H unhide all

ctrl + I: Invert selection (选中所有未被当前选中的东西)

Loop cut: ctrl + R

Knife tool: K

ctrl: snap to center with knife tool

C: angle constraint with knife tool

ctrl + 1-5: subdivision modifier (remember to apply this modifier)

if it make the object not low-poly, then use Decimate modifier to make it back to low-poly.

(see video around 48:00)

,: Orientation

snap (上方的磁贴icon) (hotkey: ctrl when using G) —-> 把两个vertices连在一起 (注意:这样snap后,实际上仍然是两个vertices) ——> two solutions

  1. use snap along with Auto Merge Vertices
  2. after snap, A to select all, then M to merge merge by distance

snap along an axis, instead of snap two vertices, to align

after delete some faces, use F to Fill / Create face(s) (自动填补holes)

  1. select the whole object and F
  2. select certain edges and F

after selecting 2 vertices, press J / F to add an edge between these 2 vertices (J will make the object more low-poly, while F simply add an edge without affecting the original shape)

Besides J, we can use ctrl + T to Triangulate selection to make a round face more low-poly after using F to Fill a hole

setting: enable Backface Culling

F3 search flip normal (or alt + N)

some faces are flipped, to fix it alt + N > recalculate outside

X dissolve edges

To connect two meshes inside one object into one single mesh, select two faces which you want to connect and F3 > Bridge Edge Loops

tips: shift + D to duplicate a face, right mouse to put the new face exactly the same location as the original one

Separate selection to new object: P

Merge into a single object: ctrl + J


Mirror modifier (use auto mirror add-on)

Subdivision surface modifier: ctrl + 5 or other (subdivide a plane to create low-poly island)

Displace modifier (low-poly landscape)

Skin modifier (use with extra mesh add-on, so that we can add single vertex, and then build a low-poly tree)

A to select all, and then ctrl + A to scale


If we scare the object outside edit mode, ctrl + A > apply scale to make the scare 1, 1, 1 again!

Numpad .: to make viewport rotate around selection

Honghao Chen
Honghao Chen
Software Engineering Student

Software Engineer Intern @ NetEase Games | M.S. in Software Engineering @ CMU | B.E. in Computer Engineering @ CUHK(SZ)
